More mapping features
Written by Jason on October 28, 2011We're very pleased to announce our latest mapping improvements. In addition to the standard maps where addresses and coordinates are shown using red dots, you can now plot areas or custom icons on an interactive map. See below for an example of interactive areas where we look at solar installation permits in Ottawa (click on an area to see the details).
The areas were created using data from Ottawa's opendata site and the building permit information comes from the same site (Tuhunga screened for the word solar in the permit description).
We continue to add geographic data to our available datasets for your use. Of course, you can always use your own geographic data in KML format in addition to street addresses or latitude/longitude coordinates.
When plotting points, you can use the standard icon set or specify your own. In the following example, we're looking at water consumption in cities across Canada, and have set arbitrary cutoff points to create three categories. The consumption data for this map comes from Environment Canada.
We hope you find these new capabilities useful.